Process optimization

Process optimization in companies

You would like to optimize the processes in your company or institution or basically reorganize it – in production and administration?

In our own operational responsibilities as well as on behalf of many of our clients, we have led major process optimization projects successfully and implemented them sustainably and “measureably”.

On an international level, we have redefined plant and intercompany processes and structures between the corporate management, supply chain management, sales and production with the result of significantly reducing response times, cycle times and expenditures.

 To optimize the processes and structures in your company, we teach you philosophies and make use of the complete management toolbox:

From BPR (Business Process Reengineering) and TQM (Total Quality Management) to Lean Management, Kaizen and Six Sigma – we use the tools and partners best suited to your requirements and challenges.

Wertstromanalyse - Proezessoptimierung im Unternehmen  Flow chart - Proezessoptimierung im Unternehmen 

 Statistik - Proezessoptimierung im Unternehmen


It does not make sense for small and medium-sized companies to implement one of the aforementioned systems if there is a lack of well-founded expert knowledge in this area or if the company is not prepared to invest in an external consultant who guarantees successful implementation.

Nevertheless, you should do one thing: Invest in individual process or quality optimizations as soon as possible. Look at management theories to establish a new corporate philosophy in your company for the medium to long term.


Our services in the field of process optimization

  • Implementing and leading major process optimization projects, both intracompany and group-wide
  • Management consulting
  • Training and providing Black Belts and Master Black Belts to realize projects using DMAIC methods
  • Kaizen workshops (DMAIC realization within one week)
  • Project Selection Workshops according the methods of Lean & Six Sigma
  • Training and coaching to increase the ability and willingness to implement new processes


Reference projects (excerpt)

  • Shorten response times in administration
  • Reduce cycle times for quotations
  • Reduce cycle times for order fulfillment
  • Reduce cycle times for claims
  • Reduce procurement processes
  • Increase delivery reliability
  • Reduce inventories
  • Reduce cycle times in production
  • Increase capacities through short setup times
  • Increase overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
  • Control business success
  • Interpret figures (key performance indicators)
  • Standardize processes using 5S
  • Monitor and control the value chain both within the company and group-wide



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