All-In-One Prodiction Optimizer

ALL-IN-ONE Production Optimizer

Pooled expert knowledge, implementations undergone, real experience, perfect equipment – as an all-in-one service provider for production optimization, we offer you the right partner for your project and challenges, and we will be right there beside you in project management from the idea to the full implementation.

As your contact, we take on the entire organization of your project so that you can stay focused on your day-to-day business. Through our network, we bring on board the specialist with the proper core competencies necessary for your requirements. We find internal contacts und completely implement the optimization for you.


All-in-one-Produktionsoptimierer - Business Excellence Network

Sample project:

We run a quick check within your production or a specific production area, analyze your material flows, do a brief Lean audit und check for waste.
If necessary, we go deeper and work with you to create a wide-reaching operations strategy or introduce the Lean philosophy.

Following a short phase of concept creation and proposal preparation, we immediately get into the active reorganization of your production area. We take on the coordination of all those involved in the project, whereby cardboard engineering or R-IZO by light are just a few of the tools for reorganizing production landscapes.

Working together with first-class providers of work stations and production systems, we equip your production perfectly based on your needs – depending on how you have optimized your production beforehand, i.e. changed to flow production.

To be able to implement the new concept profitably from the start, your employees will be trained and developed by professional trainers and coaches. In addition to developing skills, we will work on the corresponding corporate culture.

What project are you aiming for next? Let us know…


Our services as an all-in-one servicer provider

  • Quick check, material flow analyses, Lean audit, waste screening
  • Concept creation and proposal preparation
  • Overall coordination of all partners involved
  • Development of an operations strategy
  • Implementation of Lean Management & Six Sigma
  • Training and coaching to increase the ability and willingness to implement new processes


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